Floating Forest Fish Tail Park shows that it is possible to open up new space in cities not just for people but also for nature.
南昌鱼尾洲湿地公园——2022 AZ Awards最佳景观设计奖
Perillavorodiapprofonditaricercain oeniprogetto di paesageio che. assumendo il contesto sociale,ambientaleestorico comeprincipiinformatori si configura come piattaforma culturale volta al pieno rispetto dellambienteedella biodiversità del sito; per le ricerche pionieristiche sui"modellidisicurezzaecologica"esulle"sponge cities". un esempio di pianificazione nazionale dell'uso del territorio per lequilibrio ecologico urbano.
“The waterways on China’s Hainan Island haveproven to be vulnerable to flooding, but a new landscape within the Sanya Riverrestores previously decimated mangroves that alleviate some of that risk whileserving as a lush pedestrian recreation zone within high-rise city. Developershad left behind concrete retaining walls and polluted waterways, but now athriving ecotone welcomes ocean tides with a porous edge condition thatsupports new mangrove growth. Terraced landscapes and elevated pathways bringvisitors from the city down to water level, and storm-resistant concretepavilions offer protection from overhead sun and tropical rain. The mangroverehabilitation serves as a case study of strategies to return parts of citiesto nature.”
三亚红树林湿地公园——2020 ASLA设计荣誉奖
Turenscape's redevelopment of archaeological site not only protects the integrity and authenticity of the ancient heritage, but also sees to develop it as a valuable tourist attraction. …… The judges felt that this project reflected a hopeful and creative mixture of archaeological history, rice production and tourism. The judges were impressed with the "productive engagement between visitors and farmers who are able to maintain their traditional livelihoods." ——2017 World Architecture Festival Jury
城头山国家考古遗址公园——2017 WAF世界建筑节年度最佳景观奖
“这是一种我们都能从中学习到的生物过滤技术,植物在修复这一地区的同时看起来也很漂亮。” ——Nina-Marie Lister, 2017 AZ Award
“This is the kind of bio-filtering we can all learn from, where plants are remediating the area while also looking beautiful.” – Nina-Marie Lister, 2017 AZ Award jury
衢州鹿鸣公园:绿色海绵与丰产景观——2017 AZ Award最佳景观奖
“这是一个惊人的 , 迷人的 , 非常有创造力的推进补救景观实践的项目。它包含了最好的服务人们的休闲活动。这个项目让人们享受景观,去看 , 去行走 , 去思考。” ——(2016 ASLA 奖项评委会)
“Stunning, fascinating, and a remarkably inventive project that is advancing remedial landscape practices. It embraces leisure activities that best serve the population. This project allows people to inhabit this landscape. Look, walk, reflect.”-—2016 ASLA Professional Awards Jury
衢州鹿鸣公园:绿色海绵与丰产景观——2016 ASLA 设计荣誉奖
MAD Architects’ Harbin Opera House, an AZ Award nominee for architecture, dominates its mirror-flat landscape, but its mountain-like structure is really a homage to the surrounding wetlands. Fortunately, Turenscape of Beijing has transformed the once-isolated wetland into a park worthy of a cultural landmark, carving a series of bio-swales to manage stormwater runoff and tailwater from a water-supply plant. With the addition of delicate interventions, including six kilometres of boardwalks and bridges linking platforms and pavilions, the former bog is now a readily accessible, fully rehabilitated landscape for the public to experience.
哈尔滨文化中心湿地公园—— 2016 AZ Awards最佳景观奖和环境先导奖
“将河岸两边的社群以巧妙有趣的方式连系在一起…以及采用“与洪水为友”的可持续发展模式。” ——2015 WAF评委会
“uses bridges playfully to knit together communities on both sides of the river…and made friends with floods in a highly sustainable manner. ” ——2015 World Architecture Festival Jury
“极致燕尾洲,终归失去的生态” ——2014, www.land8.com
“The Stunning Yanweizhou Park Recaptures Lost Ecology”—— 2014, www.land8.com
金华燕尾洲:弹性景观——2015 WAF 世界景观大奖
“设计师用非常少的投入,来恢复湿地,却不乏诗情画意。 它看起来不像个湿地,你可以从中看到设计师的妙手。他们实际上在通过设计净化水体。——2014 ASLA Award 评委会
"With little funding, the designers of this wetland restoration project were still able to make something poetic. . . It just doesn’t look like a wetland – you can see the hand of the designer. You can tell they’re actually cleaning the water with the design"- 2014 Professional Awards Jury
“蜕变惊人,细节处理非常完美。娴熟的植被栽种展示了对园艺的深刻理解。这是一个净化水体的伟大环境筹略。一个美丽的作品。”——2013 ASLA Award 评委会
“The scale is impressive, the transformation is amazing, and the detail is wonderful. The sophistication of the planting shows a strong understanding of horticulture. This is a great environmental strategy to clean up the water. It is beautiful work.”—2013 Professional Awards Jury
河流生态修复:迁安三里河绿道——2013 ASLA设计荣誉奖
“耳目一新!他开创了一个新的专业方向。设计为景观创造了多种不同的时刻。”——2012 ASLA Award 评委会
“Refreshing. It functions in a way that isn’t necessarily part of our vocabulary. There are different moments in the design.”—2012 ASLA Professional Awards Jury
城市绿色海绵:哈尔滨群力雨洪公园——2012 ASLA设计荣誉奖
“面对世界上脆弱而又有限的环境,土人设计告诉我们,可以通过景观改造工程,将其转变为美丽的自然……它是一个杰出的典范和光彩照人的希望灯塔。——2011 WAF 评奖委员会
“This project stands as a powerful message of defiance...Against crushing demands on our fragile and finite environment, Turenscape have shown, with their landscaping work, that a desolate and polluted wasteland can be transformed into a wilderness of natural beauty. As such they have gifted us with a shining exemplar and a beacon of hope.” ——2011 WAF Awards Jury
上海后滩公园 Shanghai Houtan Park: “建立了一个可以复制的水系统生态净化模式,低成本高效能,为解决当下世界性的环境问题提供一个可以借鉴的样板。”——2010 WAF评委会
“the approach is one that could be readily adopted elsewhere in the world as a means of addressing local water pollution near urban centres. It’s simple and cost-effective approach to urban landscape management has the potential to turn parks from something that leaves an environmental footprint into something that helps erase them. ” ——2010 WAF Awards Jury
“这是非常具有震撼力的,建成而且每个人都可以去学习。它传达了许多我们这个专业需要传达的正确信息。”——2010 ASLA Award 评委会
“This is very powerful. It is done and anybody can go and see it. It’s full of the right messages of our profession. The scope is exquisite. The presentation is excellence. Shanghai never has a blue sky, and recognizing this kind of sustainable project in that context is important.”—2010 Professional Awards Jury
“只用了两年时间,将一个个垃圾场回复为作为一个充满生机的场所和人的活动场所——这个公园的成功是令人震惊的。简单的雨水收集坑的肌理,不但是生机勃勃的自然边界最大化,也创造了具有设计感的景观整体和视觉美感,吸引如此众多的游客。开放的头几个月能吸引 20 万人来参观,那是非常了不起的,而通过精心的路网设计,在低维护条件下,使脆弱的自然得以与人的活动和谐相容” ——2010 ASLA Award 评委会
“After a mere two years, the success of this park is stunning—as a place for people and as a place that is already alive with ecology that has reclaimed the former dump. The simple pattern of stormwater cells not only maximized the rich edges for a deliberately "messy" native landscape— this pattern also created a sense of designed landscape continuity and visual appeal that has drawn so many people into the Park. It is remarkable that 200,000 people visited the park within its first few months of being open, and yet the delicate landscape has been visibly preserved by the careful design to separate walkways from the ground, with low maintenance requirements.”—2010 Professional Awards Jury
生态系统服务仿生修复:天津桥园——2010 ASLA荣誉设计奖
“它简单到只设计给人以进入的机会。它使自然可达,将乡土植物与工程相结合。解说到位、非常有说服力。这是又一个有标志性意义的项目:清晰的理念和多种手段成就了美丽的工程。这是一个充满希望的工程。是一个用低廉造价而获成功的作品。”——2010 ASLA Award 评委会
“It is so simple that it doesn’t try to do more than beautifully achieve access. It both makes nature accessible and uses all native plants in collaboration with engineers. The narrative is compelling about what is achieved. This is another monumental undertaking. The clarity of the idea and the variety make it a beautiful project. It is a project of hope. It can be done within a limited budget.”—2010 Professional Awards Jury
生态再生手术:秦皇岛海滨生态修复——2010 ASLA荣誉设计奖
“通污染棕地的再利用,通过创造一个具有不同生境条件的湿泡系统,为多样化的植被创造各种生境,调控土壤的 PH 值,净化土壤和水体。在人口高都密集的大城市中,这无疑是一个优秀的样板”——2009 WAF 评奖委员会
“a good example for the reuse of a contaminated derelict urban site by cleaning up with a system of dry and wet ponds and a variety of different plant species and vegetation which control the pH-Balance to clean the soil and water bodies.” ——2009 WAF Awards Jury
生态系统服务仿生修复:天津桥园——2009 WAF 世界景观大奖
“中山岐江公园在倒闭的工厂废墟上建成,11 公顷,包括恢复的湿地、修复的水岸、和通过遗留的码头和机器来反映其产业历史的景观。设计注重保留和再用遗留的构筑物。并与城市肌理相融合,培育环境意识”——2009 ULI Global Award 评委会
"Built on a dilapidated shipyard, the Zhongshan Shipyard Park is 11 hectares of reclaimed wetland, restored shorelines, and landscaped park space that references its industrial past with savaged docks and machinery. The design gives much attention to restoring leftover structures, connecting with existing urban context, and promoting environmental responsibility."—2009 ULI Global Award Jury
足下文化:工业棕地利用与再生——中山岐江公园——2009 ULI 全球杰出奖
“创造性地将艺术溶于自然景观之中,非常令人激动,同时不乏很强的功能性,有效地改变并提升了环境。”——2007 ASLA Award 评委会
“a celebration integrating artistic elements into a natural landscape in an ingenious way. Very dramatic, yet highly functional. It's transformative and curative." — 2007 Professional Awards Jury
“这个项目展示了如何通过最少的干预,来最有效地改变场地现状和使用方式……将生态过程结合于设计之中,在中国具有开创意义”。——Antja Stockman, Applied Urban Ecology: A Global Framework [M], 2012
“巧妙的设计,精到的自然植被配置,创造出感性的体验空间,好作品!——2006 ASLA Award 评委会
"Arresting architectural forms playing off natural vegetation create a sensory experience. Nice work!" (Jury comments) — 2006 Professional Awards Jury.
与洪水为友:浙江永宁公园——2006 ASLA 荣誉设计奖
“一种丰产而美丽的景观……它使学生能直接与农业亲密接触……最精彩之笔在于把实验田放在校园之中”。——2005 ASLA Award 评委会
It is a “productive landscape and a beautiful landscape . . . this will put the students directly in touch with agriculture . . . biggest stroke is to put test plots in the middle of campus.” — 2005 Professional Awards Jury
丰产的景观:沈阳建筑大学——2005 ASLA 荣誉设计奖
该途径和案例“从环境和生态出发,进行了非常全面的分析……创造了一个能够发展出多种建筑和景观形态的城市空间结构。”——2005 ASLA Award 评委会
"Analysis is very comprehensive . . . creates framework from which various architectural and landscape architecture forms can emerge . . . starts with ecological and environmental issues."— 2005 Professional Awards Jury
基于生态基础设施的城市发展:台州“反规划”——2005 ASLA 城市规划类荣誉奖
“它反映了中国社会主义工业时代的令人叹惋的历史,包括文化大革命。场地的挑战包括变化的水位、场地上生锈的厂房和机器以及大树的保护问题,通过妥善处理防洪,保护了古树”——2002 ASLA Award 评委会
“It reflects the remarkable 50-year history of socialist China, including the Cultural Revolution. The challenging setting included fluctuating water levels, remnant rust docks and machinery, and tree preservation, and concerns of flood control versus old trees protection.”—2002 Professional Awards Jury
“中山歧江公园在国际上的成功为当代中国景观设计开辟了新的道路”——M. Padua, 2003,Landscape Architecture, June
Zhongshan Shipyard Park may offer a similar model for China in the twenty-first century--an approach to design that is open to the world, unflinching in its view of recent history, and fundamentally Chinese. ——M. Padua, Landscape Architecture Magazine, 2003 June
Floating Forest Fish Tail Park shows that it is possible to open up new space in cities not just for people but also for nature.
南昌鱼尾洲湿地公园——2022 AZ Awards最佳景观设计奖
Perillavorodiapprofonditaricercain oeniprogetto di paesageio che. assumendo il contesto sociale,ambientaleestorico comeprincipiinformatori si configura come piattaforma culturale volta al pieno rispetto dellambienteedella biodiversità del sito; per le ricerche pionieristiche sui"modellidisicurezzaecologica"esulle"sponge cities". un esempio di pianificazione nazionale dell'uso del territorio per lequilibrio ecologico urbano.
海口美舍河凤翔公园和宿迁三台山森林公园——2021 CITY’SCAPE City_Brand & Tourism Landscape Award世界标志性景观奖
“The waterways on China’s Hainan Island haveproven to be vulnerable to flooding, but a new landscape within the Sanya Riverrestores previously decimated mangroves that alleviate some of that risk whileserving as a lush pedestrian recreation zone within high-rise city. Developershad left behind concrete retaining walls and polluted waterways, but now athriving ecotone welcomes ocean tides with a porous edge condition thatsupports new mangrove growth. Terraced landscapes and elevated pathways bringvisitors from the city down to water level, and storm-resistant concretepavilions offer protection from overhead sun and tropical rain. The mangroverehabilitation serves as a case study of strategies to return parts of citiesto nature.”
三亚红树林湿地公园——2020 ASLA设计荣誉奖
Turenscape's redevelopment of archaeological site not only protects the integrity and authenticity of the ancient heritage, but also sees to develop it as a valuable tourist attraction. …… The judges felt that this project reflected a hopeful and creative mixture of archaeological history, rice production and tourism. The judges were impressed with the "productive engagement between visitors and farmers who are able to maintain their traditional livelihoods." ——2017 World Architecture Festival Jury
城头山国家考古遗址公园——2017 WAF世界建筑节年度最佳景观奖
“这是一种我们都能从中学习到的生物过滤技术,植物在修复这一地区的同时看起来也很漂亮。” ——Nina-Marie Lister, 2017 AZ Award
“This is the kind of bio-filtering we can all learn from, where plants are remediating the area while also looking beautiful.” – Nina-Marie Lister, 2017 AZ Award jury
衢州鹿鸣公园:绿色海绵与丰产景观——2017 AZ Award最佳景观奖
“这是一个惊人的 , 迷人的 , 非常有创造力的推进补救景观实践的项目。它包含了最好的服务人们的休闲活动。这个项目让人们享受景观,去看 , 去行走 , 去思考。” ——(2016 ASLA 奖项评委会)
“Stunning, fascinating, and a remarkably inventive project that is advancing remedial landscape practices. It embraces leisure activities that best serve the population. This project allows people to inhabit this landscape. Look, walk, reflect.”-—2016 ASLA Professional Awards Jury
衢州鹿鸣公园:绿色海绵与丰产景观——2016 ASLA 设计荣誉奖
MAD Architects’ Harbin Opera House, an AZ Award nominee for architecture, dominates its mirror-flat landscape, but its mountain-like structure is really a homage to the surrounding wetlands. Fortunately, Turenscape of Beijing has transformed the once-isolated wetland into a park worthy of a cultural landmark, carving a series of bio-swales to manage stormwater runoff and tailwater from a water-supply plant. With the addition of delicate interventions, including six kilometres of boardwalks and bridges linking platforms and pavilions, the former bog is now a readily accessible, fully rehabilitated landscape for the public to experience.
哈尔滨文化中心湿地公园—— 2016 AZ Awards最佳景观奖和环境先导奖
“将河岸两边的社群以巧妙有趣的方式连系在一起…以及采用“与洪水为友”的可持续发展模式。” ——2015 WAF评委会
“uses bridges playfully to knit together communities on both sides of the river…and made friends with floods in a highly sustainable manner. ” ——2015 World Architecture Festival Jury
“极致燕尾洲,终归失去的生态” ——2014, www.land8.com
“The Stunning Yanweizhou Park Recaptures Lost Ecology”—— 2014, www.land8.com 原文链接https://land8.com/the-stunning-yanweizhou-park-recaptures-lost-ecology/
金华燕尾洲:弹性景观——2015 WAF 世界景观大奖
“设计师用非常少的投入,来恢复湿地,却不乏诗情画意。 它看起来不像个湿地,你可以从中看到设计师的妙手。他们实际上在通过设计净化水体。——2014 ASLA Award 评委会
"With little funding, the designers of this wetland restoration project were still able to make something poetic. . . It just doesn’t look like a wetland – you can see the hand of the designer. You can tell they’re actually cleaning the water with the design"- 2014 Professional Awards Jury
让水流慢下来:六盘水明湖湿地——2014 ASLA设计荣誉奖
“哈尔滨群力雨洪公园应对季风气候下的城市雨涝问题,巧妙运用三角洲地带传统农业的基塘技术,建立了一个具有雨洪滞蓄、自我净化、 乡土生境营造以及地下水补充等综合功能的城市绿色“海绵”,不仅有效解决了内涝问题,还为新区市民提供优美的游憩场所,带动了周边 土地价值的提升。”
“蜕变惊人,细节处理非常完美。娴熟的植被栽种展示了对园艺的深刻理解。这是一个净化水体的伟大环境筹略。一个美丽的作品。”——2013 ASLA Award 评委会
“The scale is impressive, the transformation is amazing, and the detail is wonderful. The sophistication of the planting shows a strong understanding of horticulture. This is a great environmental strategy to clean up the water. It is beautiful work.”—2013 Professional Awards Jury
河流生态修复:迁安三里河绿道——2013 ASLA设计荣誉奖
“耳目一新!他开创了一个新的专业方向。设计为景观创造了多种不同的时刻。”——2012 ASLA Award 评委会
“Refreshing. It functions in a way that isn’t necessarily part of our vocabulary. There are different moments in the design.”—2012 ASLA Professional Awards Jury
城市绿色海绵:哈尔滨群力雨洪公园——2012 ASLA设计荣誉奖
“面对世界上脆弱而又有限的环境,土人设计告诉我们,可以通过景观改造工程,将其转变为美丽的自然……它是一个杰出的典范和光彩照人的希望灯塔。——2011 WAF 评奖委员会
“This project stands as a powerful message of defiance...Against crushing demands on our fragile and finite environment, Turenscape have shown, with their landscaping work, that a desolate and polluted wasteland can be transformed into a wilderness of natural beauty. As such they have gifted us with a shining exemplar and a beacon of hope.” ——2011 WAF Awards Jury
上海后滩公园 Shanghai Houtan Park: “建立了一个可以复制的水系统生态净化模式,低成本高效能,为解决当下世界性的环境问题提供一个可以借鉴的样板。”——2010 WAF评委会
“the approach is one that could be readily adopted elsewhere in the world as a means of addressing local water pollution near urban centres. It’s simple and cost-effective approach to urban landscape management has the potential to turn parks from something that leaves an environmental footprint into something that helps erase them. ” ——2010 WAF Awards Jury
“这是非常具有震撼力的,建成而且每个人都可以去学习。它传达了许多我们这个专业需要传达的正确信息。”——2010 ASLA Award 评委会
“This is very powerful. It is done and anybody can go and see it. It’s full of the right messages of our profession. The scope is exquisite. The presentation is excellence. Shanghai never has a blue sky, and recognizing this kind of sustainable project in that context is important.”—2010 Professional Awards Jury
加强型人工湿地水净化系统: 景观作为生命系统——上海后滩公园——2010 WAF世界景观大奖&2010 ASLA杰出设计奖
“只用了两年时间,将一个个垃圾场回复为作为一个充满生机的场所和人的活动场所——这个公园的成功是令人震惊的。简单的雨水收集坑的肌理,不但是生机勃勃的自然边界最大化,也创造了具有设计感的景观整体和视觉美感,吸引如此众多的游客。开放的头几个月能吸引 20 万人来参观,那是非常了不起的,而通过精心的路网设计,在低维护条件下,使脆弱的自然得以与人的活动和谐相容” ——2010 ASLA Award 评委会
“After a mere two years, the success of this park is stunning—as a place for people and as a place that is already alive with ecology that has reclaimed the former dump. The simple pattern of stormwater cells not only maximized the rich edges for a deliberately "messy" native landscape— this pattern also created a sense of designed landscape continuity and visual appeal that has drawn so many people into the Park. It is remarkable that 200,000 people visited the park within its first few months of being open, and yet the delicate landscape has been visibly preserved by the careful design to separate walkways from the ground, with low maintenance requirements.”—2010 Professional Awards Jury
生态系统服务仿生修复:天津桥园——2010 ASLA荣誉设计奖
“它简单到只设计给人以进入的机会。它使自然可达,将乡土植物与工程相结合。解说到位、非常有说服力。这是又一个有标志性意义的项目:清晰的理念和多种手段成就了美丽的工程。这是一个充满希望的工程。是一个用低廉造价而获成功的作品。”——2010 ASLA Award 评委会
“It is so simple that it doesn’t try to do more than beautifully achieve access. It both makes nature accessible and uses all native plants in collaboration with engineers. The narrative is compelling about what is achieved. This is another monumental undertaking. The clarity of the idea and the variety make it a beautiful project. It is a project of hope. It can be done within a limited budget.”—2010 Professional Awards Jury
生态再生手术:秦皇岛海滨生态修复——2010 ASLA荣誉设计奖
“通污染棕地的再利用,通过创造一个具有不同生境条件的湿泡系统,为多样化的植被创造各种生境,调控土壤的 PH 值,净化土壤和水体。在人口高都密集的大城市中,这无疑是一个优秀的样板”——2009 WAF 评奖委员会
“a good example for the reuse of a contaminated derelict urban site by cleaning up with a system of dry and wet ponds and a variety of different plant species and vegetation which control the pH-Balance to clean the soil and water bodies.” ——2009 WAF Awards Jury
生态系统服务仿生修复:天津桥园——2009 WAF 世界景观大奖
“中山岐江公园在倒闭的工厂废墟上建成,11 公顷,包括恢复的湿地、修复的水岸、和通过遗留的码头和机器来反映其产业历史的景观。设计注重保留和再用遗留的构筑物。并与城市肌理相融合,培育环境意识”——2009 ULI Global Award 评委会
"Built on a dilapidated shipyard, the Zhongshan Shipyard Park is 11 hectares of reclaimed wetland, restored shorelines, and landscaped park space that references its industrial past with savaged docks and machinery. The design gives much attention to restoring leftover structures, connecting with existing urban context, and promoting environmental responsibility."—2009 ULI Global Award Jury
足下文化:工业棕地利用与再生——中山岐江公园——2009 ULI 全球杰出奖
“创造性地将艺术溶于自然景观之中,非常令人激动,同时不乏很强的功能性,有效地改变并提升了环境。”——2007 ASLA Award 评委会
“a celebration integrating artistic elements into a natural landscape in an ingenious way. Very dramatic, yet highly functional. It's transformative and curative." — 2007 Professional Awards Jury
“这个项目展示了如何通过最少的干预,来最有效地改变场地现状和使用方式……将生态过程结合于设计之中,在中国具有开创意义”。——Antja Stockman, Applied Urban Ecology: A Global Framework [M], 2012
最少的干预 : 秦皇岛汤河红飘带公园——2007 ASLA 荣誉设计奖
“ 仅仅一条“绿荫里的红飘带”,就使一片荒野、脏乱的城郊结合部变得生机勃勃,妙趣横生。“寻常景观”与“白话的城市”恰恰满足 了人的需求。这是一个最大限度地利用场地原有资源的设计,用最少的人力、最简单的元素、最经济的做法,创造了一个真正节约、并为城 市居民提供尽可能多生态服务的可持续景观,体现了节约和可持续的景观设计理念。
“巧妙的设计,精到的自然植被配置,创造出感性的体验空间,好作品!——2006 ASLA Award 评委会
"Arresting architectural forms playing off natural vegetation create a sensory experience. Nice work!" (Jury comments) — 2006 Professional Awards Jury.
与洪水为友:浙江永宁公园——2006 ASLA 荣誉设计奖
“一种丰产而美丽的景观……它使学生能直接与农业亲密接触……最精彩之笔在于把实验田放在校园之中”。——2005 ASLA Award 评委会
It is a “productive landscape and a beautiful landscape . . . this will put the students directly in touch with agriculture . . . biggest stroke is to put test plots in the middle of campus.” — 2005 Professional Awards Jury
丰产的景观:沈阳建筑大学——2005 ASLA 荣誉设计奖
该途径和案例“从环境和生态出发,进行了非常全面的分析……创造了一个能够发展出多种建筑和景观形态的城市空间结构。”——2005 ASLA Award 评委会
"Analysis is very comprehensive . . . creates framework from which various architectural and landscape architecture forms can emerge . . . starts with ecological and environmental issues."— 2005 Professional Awards Jury
基于生态基础设施的城市发展:台州“反规划”——2005 ASLA 城市规划类荣誉奖
“它反映了中国社会主义工业时代的令人叹惋的历史,包括文化大革命。场地的挑战包括变化的水位、场地上生锈的厂房和机器以及大树的保护问题,通过妥善处理防洪,保护了古树”——2002 ASLA Award 评委会
“It reflects the remarkable 50-year history of socialist China, including the Cultural Revolution. The challenging setting included fluctuating water levels, remnant rust docks and machinery, and tree preservation, and concerns of flood control versus old trees protection.”—2002 Professional Awards Jury
“中山歧江公园在国际上的成功为当代中国景观设计开辟了新的道路”——M. Padua, 2003,Landscape Architecture, June
Zhongshan Shipyard Park may offer a similar model for China in the twenty-first century--an approach to design that is open to the world, unflinching in its view of recent history, and fundamentally Chinese. ——M. Padua, Landscape Architecture Magazine, 2003 June
足下文化:工业棕地利用与再生——中山岐江公园——2002 ASLA 荣誉设计奖