Climate Positive Design
Many events featuring landscape architects at COP28 in Dubai will be livestreamed via the UN Climate Change website or YouTube. Recordings will also be available.
ASLA is sending two delegates to COP28 in Dubai, and eight virtual delegates will join online. This is the second year ASLA has been an NGO observer to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COP) process.
Landscape architect delegates will make the case for maximizing nature-based solutions through design.
ASLA delegates attending:
Torey Carter-Conneen, CEO, American Society of Landscape Architects
Pamela Conrad, ASLA, LEED AP, Founder, Climate Positive Design; Senior Fellow, Architecture 2030; Faculty Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Design; Vice Chair, Climate and Biodiversity Group Working Group, International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA)
Additional landscape architect and landscape architecture educator delegates:
Kotchakorn Voraakhom, International ASLA, Founder, Landprocess; Chair, Climate and Biodiversity Group Working Group, IFLA; Faculty Design Critic, Harvard Graduate School of Design; Visiting Fellow, University of Pennsylvania.
Kongjian Yu, FASLA, Founder, Turenscape, and Professor and Dean, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University
Catherine Seavitt, FASLA, Professor and Chair, Landscape Architecture, University of Pennsylvania
And learn more about the eight ASLA virtual delegates joining online.
Events featuring landscape architect delegates at COP28:
Water Pavilion
Enhancing Urban Water Resilience through Nature-based Solutions in Public Places
Tuesday, December 5
6.30 AM EST – 8:00 AM EST / 3:30 PM -5:00 PM GST
Water Pavilion, Blue Zone
This workshop “focuses on empowering local stakeholders to enhance urban water resilience through nature-based solutions in public space.” The goal is to “combine insights from local experiences and existing methodologies and toolkits.”
Pamela Conrad, ASLA
Kotchakorn Voraakhom, International ASLA
Driving Higher Education for Global Action
Tuesday, December 5
5.30 AM EST – 6.30 AM EST / 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM GST
Thailand Pavilion, Blue Zone
Livestream; Meeting ID: 845 1635 5789; Pass code: 300886
“Students are demanding it. Our world needs it. How is higher education responding to changing curriculum that addresses climate change? What are new methods and techniques for pedagogy, and how should it evolve? Which approaches can be translated for all parts of the world?”
Pamela Conrad, ASLA
Beth Martin, Washington University in St. Louis
Harleen Marwah, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Pisut Painmanakul, Chula Engineering
Kotchakorn Voraakhom, International ASLA
Nature-Base Solutions and Climate Finance Mechanisms
Wednesday, December 6
7.00 AM – 9.00 AM EST / 4:00PM – 5:00 PM GST
Thailand Pavilion, Blue Zone
Livestream; Meeting ID: 845 1635 5789; Pass code: 300886
“Cities in the Global South are continuously growing, and all strive to enhance adaptation and nature-based solutions. One obstacle is the lack of financial incentives for implementation. Experts from all sectors will highlight how public and private-sector leadership can mobilize action and re-direct financial flows towards nature and climate.”
Eugenie Birch, University of Pennsylvania
Torey Carter-Conneen CEO, ASLA
Mauricio Rodas Ecuadorian lawyer, social policy consultant and politician
Kotchakorn Vorraakhom, International ASLA
Anna Wellenstein, Sustainable Development Regional Director for East Asia and the Pacific, World Bank
Scaling Up Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Environments
Wednesday, December 6
4.15 AM – 5.15 AM EST / 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM GST
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Pavilion, Blue Zone
Hosted with the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
IUCN Livestream
“Cities are an overlooked but critical opportunity to deploy nature-based solutions. Urban infrastructure built with nature supports biodiversity, builds resilience, and accelerates carbon mitigation.”
Torey Carter-Conneen, CEO, American Society of Landscape Architects
Pamela Conrad, ASLA
Kotchakorn Voraakhom, International ASLA
Claudia Robles, Presidential Advisor & Former First Lady, Costa Rica
Lisa Richmond, Senior Fellow, Architecture 2030
Nature-based Solutions and the Built Environment: Designing for Resilience, Drawdown and Biodiversity
Friday, December 8
7.45 AM – 9.15 AM EST / 4.45 PM – 6.15 PM GST
Official COP28 Side Event, SE Room 9, Blue Zone
“Nature-based infrastructure solutions support resilience, equity, public health, and biodiversity, and accelerate carbon mitigation. Designing with nature can help global communities reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030 and protect and conserve 30 percent of ecosystems by 2030.”
Torey Carter-Conneen, CEO, American Society of Landscape Architects
Pamela Conrad, ASLA
Dr. Siddharth Narayan, Assistant Professor, Integrated Coastal Programs, Eastern Carolina University
Dr. Sandeep Sengupta, Global Coordinator for Climate Change, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Kotchakorn Voraakhom, International ASLA
Moderator: Lisa Richmond, Senior Fellow, Architecture 2030

ASLA 2012 PRofessional General Design Award of Excellence. A Green Sponge for a Water-Resilient City: Qunli Stormwater Park. Haerbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China. Turenscape
Investing in Nature
Saturday, December 9
2:00 AM – 3:00 AM EST / 11:00 AM – 12:00 AM GST
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Pavilion, Blue Zone
“Nature plays a critical role in providing valuable resources and services that underpin and support sustainable development and the well-being of people and the planet. Well-functioning and diverse ecosystems regulate the Earth’s climate, build resilience to the impacts of climate change, and enhance the sustainable management of water and land. Forests, wetlands, coral reefs can effectively provide infrastructure functions while delivering additional climate and biodiversity co-benefits.
To achieve the goals and targets of the Kunming – Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, both increasing nature-positive financial flows and reducing nature-negative flows will be needed. International financial institutions play a key role in closing the $700 billion annual global biodiversity finance gap and helping countries meet their commitments.”
This high-level side event will “bring together representatives from international financial institutions, governments, the private sector, think tanks, and academia to discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with scaling up nature-positive and biodiversity financing.”
Accelerating Finance for Nature-based Solutions: Unlocking Opportunities for Sustainable Development
Saturday, December 9
5:30 AM – 6:45 AM EST / 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM GST
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Pavilion Pavilion, Blue Zone
Co-hosted by the French Development Agency (AFD) and The International Development Finance Club (IDFC)
IUCN Livestream
“Despite increasing global interest in nature-based solutions, lack of financing remains a major barrier to implementing these solutions at scale. This event will will bring together development partners and government officials at the ministerial level alongside IUCN to discuss and launch initiatives that could potentially accelerate financing for nature-based solutions to implement plans at national and sub-national levels.”
Keynote speaker:
Innovative Governance for Flood and Drought Risk Management
Sunday, December 10
1:00 AM EST – 2:00 AM EST / 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM GST
Thailand Pavilion, Blue Zone
Livestream; Meeting ID: 845 1635 5789; Pass code: 300886
“Rising sea levels, more extreme storms, and increased drought risk are impacting people now. Societies have long struggled to prepare for and respond to floods and droughts — two hydrological extremes that can happen to the same country at the same time. Better management of water resources can help reduce climate change risks and adapt to its impacts.
While climate change is compounding many challenges, it also presents an unprecedented opportunity. We have a chance to leverage these investments towards green, resilient, and inclusive development that reduces rather than further exacerbates our societies’ vulnerability to climate risks.”
Allison Lassiter, University of Pennsylvania
Simon Richter, University of Pennsylvania
Jennifer Sarah, Global Director, Climate Change Group at World Bank
Kotchakorn Voraakhom, International ASLA