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Kongjian Yu Spoke at 2023 Australian Landscape Conference

LecturerKongjian Yu
March 17, 2023
Healing the Built Environment—Sponge Cities and Nature-Based Solutions

Renowned for presenting cutting edge ideas about landscape design, the biennial Australian Landscape Conference transcends the everyday and focuses on the ideas and concepts behind the scenes that create outstanding landscapes.

In 2023, we focus on enhancing experiences and learning opportunities for the landscape design community and delve into the creativity of the planting specialist and landscape designers.

Many of the ideas presented at the ALC influence future designs and literature which contribute to shaping our landscapes, both private and public, over the coming years.

Conference Picture


17 March 2023 – Garden Tours

Extraordinary Coastal Gardens*  OR

Outstanding City Gardens

18–19 March 2023 – Conference

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Building on Country

Alison Page

Associate Dean at the School of Design, Architecture and Building (University of Technology Sydney) and the founder of the National Aboriginal Design Agency

What it Means to Live Like an Australian

Prof. Andrew Campbell

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Healing the Built Environment—Sponge Cities and Nature-Based Solutions

Kougjian Yu

Professor of Peking University, Turenscape founder and principle designer

The Garden: A Paradise of Biodiversity

Fergus Garrett

dazzling horticultural impressario

Serious Fun

Claude Cormier

Canada Landscape Architect,CCxA founder

回忆作为设计的催化剂 | Memory as a Catalyst for Design

Luciano Giubbile

Italy and UK garden designer,Luciano Giubbilei Studio founder

 Urban Choreography, Making Places for People

Rob Adams

Consultant and mentor of urban design in Melbourne, Australia, professor at the University of Melbourne, Adams Urban founder

Story Telling for Earthly Flourishing

Georgina Reid

writer, gardener and founding editor of Wonderground print journal and online magazine

自然:周而复始 | Nature: Again and Again

Teresa Moller

Landscape Architect – Chile

A Travelogue about Growth: Travels in Gardens

Julian Raxworthy

Associate Professor and Discipline Lead: Landscape Architecture at the University of Canberra,Free Ranging Landscape Architects Principal Landscape Architect

Hell and High Water

Sean Hogan

American horticulture designer and Cistus Nursery Company founder

 Concepts are for the Brave

Claude Cormier

Canada Landscape Architect,CCxA founder

 Gardening the Forest: A Garden for the 21st Century on Hokkaido

Midori Shintani

Tokachi Millennium Forest – Hokkaido, Japan

More details: https://www.outlandishventures.au/participate/australian-landscape-conference/

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